IP Address

IP Geolocation

Samut Sakhon

Amphoe Mueang Samut Sakhon

Samut Sakhon

13.54753, 100.27362


08 Sep, 2024 07:15 AM

UTC +07:00


TOT Public Company Limited


(DSL) Broadband/Cable/Fiber/Mobile

(66) 034

Samut Sakhon (THXX0022)




(IAB19-18) Internet Technology

Proxy Detection






This API's JSON results are generated using the IP2Location.io Security Plan, which is available for as low as $499 per month.

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JSON Response
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    "longitude": 100.27362,
    "zip_code": "74000",
    "time_zone": "+07:00",
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    "city": {
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        "sunrise": "06:06",
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    "proxy": {
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        "threat": "-",
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        "is_enterprise_private_network": false,
        "is_spammer": false,
        "is_scanner": false,
        "is_botnet": false

For more details, please visit API documentation.

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