IP Address

IP Geolocation


Santa Clara County

San Jose

37.33939, -121.89496


14 Mar, 2025 10:24 AM

UTC -07:00


Ace Data Centers II L.L.C.


(T1) Data Center/Transit

(1) 408/650

San Jose (USCA0993)


(DCH) Data Center/Web Hosting/Transit


(IAB19-11) Data Centers

Proxy Detection


30 days ago


(PUB) Public Proxies



This API's JSON results are generated using the IP2Location.io Security Plan, which is available for as low as $499 per month.

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JSON Response
    "ip": "",
    "country_code": "US",
    "country_name": "United States of America",
    "region_name": "California",
    "district": "Santa Clara County",
    "city_name": "San Jose",
    "latitude": 37.33939,
    "longitude": -121.89496,
    "zip_code": "95101",
    "time_zone": "-07:00",
    "asn": "40676",
    "as": "Psychz Networks",
    "isp": "Ace Data Centers II L.L.C.",
    "domain": "acedatacenter.com",
    "net_speed": "T1",
    "idd_code": "1",
    "area_code": "408\/650",
    "weather_station_code": "USCA0993",
    "weather_station_name": "San Jose",
    "mcc": "-",
    "mnc": "-",
    "mobile_brand": "-",
    "elevation": 24,
    "usage_type": "DCH",
    "address_type": "Unicast",
    "ads_category": "IAB19-11",
    "ads_category_name": "Data Centers",
    "continent": {
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        "code": "NA",
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    "country": {
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        "demonym": "Americans",
        "flag": "https:\/\/cdn.ip2location.io\/assets\/img\/flags\/us.png",
        "capital": "Washington, D.C.",
        "total_area": 9826675,
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        "currency": {
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    "region": {
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        "translation": {
            "lang": null,
            "value": null
    "time_zone_info": {
        "olson": "America\/Los_Angeles",
        "current_time": "2025-03-14T10:24:02-07:00",
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        "is_dst": true,
        "sunrise": "07:17",
        "sunset": "19:15"
    "geotargeting": {
        "metro": "807"
    "is_proxy": true,
    "fraud_score": 80,
    "proxy": {
        "last_seen": 30,
        "proxy_type": "PUB",
        "threat": "-",
        "provider": "-",
        "is_vpn": false,
        "is_tor": false,
        "is_data_center": true,
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        "is_web_crawler": false,
        "is_residential_proxy": false,
        "is_consumer_privacy_network": false,
        "is_enterprise_private_network": false,
        "is_spammer": false,
        "is_scanner": false,
        "is_botnet": false

For more details, please visit API documentation.

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