How can I find the proxy type associated with an IP address in Deno?

To determine the proxy type of an IP address using in Deno, you can use the API to retrieve geolocation and related data. For proxy types supported, please see API documentation for more info.

  1. We'll assume that you have already installed Deno and we won't cover that here. You will also need a paid subscription to the Security plan. Subscribe now!
  2. Save the below code into a file called test.js on your computer.
    import * as https from "node:https";
    var key = "YOUR_API_KEY";
    var ip = "";
    let url = "" + key + "&ip=" + ip +
    let d = "";
    let req = https.get(url, function (res) {
      res.on("data", (chunk) => (d = d + chunk));
      res.on("end", function () {
        if (res.statusCode == 200) {
          let data = JSON.parse(d);
          if (data.proxy) {
              "The proxy type for IP " + data.ip + " is " + data.proxy.proxy_type +
          } else {
              "ERROR: The proxy_type field requires a paid subscription to the Security plan.",
        } else if (res.statusCode == 400 || res.statusCode == 401) {
          if (d.includes("error_message")) {
            console.log("ERROR: " + JSON.parse(d).error.error_message);
          } else {
        } else {
    req.on("error", function (e) {
  3. In the command line, run the below command.
    deno --allow-env --allow-net test.js

This script will output the proxy type of specified IP address. Make sure to replace with the IP address you want and replace YOUR_API_KEY to your own API key.

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